Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hectic schedule and blogging

Oh yeah, I can also say that I am a very busy person. And that's the excuse most of the people make to be saved from working. Blogging is also a work, na? So to be saved from doing this work, I am making the excuse of being busy.

Now blogging actually takes a lot of effort - turn on the computer, connect to the Internet, type without looking at the keyboard, take some pictures of Bollywood stars and then click on Publish! Really, a LOT of effort ;-)

A day consists of 16 hours (I know it consists 24 hours, but 8 hours are for sleeping). Out of those 16 hours, 8 are spent on working. And the left 8 hours are spent on watching movies, listening to new songs, practising singing (as a music learner). One hardly gets time to blog in the leisure. The biggest panga (problem) is that I have a Bollywood blog - because Bollywood blogs need great maintenance. I need to capture snapshots, videos and then post them here!

And now I have Garam Masala review to be done. But I am, currently, too lazy to type about the film's story and actors. I hope I can complete and publish the review in a week (or two!). On the other hand, I have Classically Mild's translations also.

I didn't mean I don't enjoy writing here, but the effort involved in it is too much for a lazy dog like myself. Can't there be an easier way of blogging, like just think something in your mind, and that's automatically typed and published!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Translation: Sochta Hoon Main (Classically Mild)

This song is from my idol, Sonu Niigaam's private album Classically Mild. The song really touched my heart with its wonderful lyrics and I've tried to translate it here. If you haven't listened the song, you should do so at this link. It is a really, really good song!

The song is composed of four paragraphs (one 'mukhda' and three 'antraas'!). And every line has a lovely feel, like - Pal pal badhti umrr ghate kyun. Very meaningful lyrics, not?

The song is equipped with jazz and guitar melodies. It's a mixture of the Western music style with the Classical Indian style. The song is difficult to sing and one requires a 100% ready voice to sing it properly. And that's why Sonu had taken two years of practice to make this album. His hard-work really gave him a recognition from the stalwarts of music. Here's the translation (I've made an image this time, click on it to enlarge):

I will try to translate some other songs from this album. That will, of course, take some time. But I think you can hang on with me!