Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hectic schedule and blogging

Oh yeah, I can also say that I am a very busy person. And that's the excuse most of the people make to be saved from working. Blogging is also a work, na? So to be saved from doing this work, I am making the excuse of being busy.

Now blogging actually takes a lot of effort - turn on the computer, connect to the Internet, type without looking at the keyboard, take some pictures of Bollywood stars and then click on Publish! Really, a LOT of effort ;-)

A day consists of 16 hours (I know it consists 24 hours, but 8 hours are for sleeping). Out of those 16 hours, 8 are spent on working. And the left 8 hours are spent on watching movies, listening to new songs, practising singing (as a music learner). One hardly gets time to blog in the leisure. The biggest panga (problem) is that I have a Bollywood blog - because Bollywood blogs need great maintenance. I need to capture snapshots, videos and then post them here!

And now I have Garam Masala review to be done. But I am, currently, too lazy to type about the film's story and actors. I hope I can complete and publish the review in a week (or two!). On the other hand, I have Classically Mild's translations also.

I didn't mean I don't enjoy writing here, but the effort involved in it is too much for a lazy dog like myself. Can't there be an easier way of blogging, like just think something in your mind, and that's automatically typed and published!

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