The film starred Akshay Kumar, John Abrahim and Paresh Rawal in the lead. Mac and Sam (Akshay and John respectively) are two scoundrel photographers, who take pictures for the magazine Garam Masala. Both of them do not know photography, but still they manage to take some fine photographs.
Then Sam steals a photograph of some great photographer and presents it to his company's boss. The company's boss declares Sam as the boss of Mac. The company sends him to a trip to America.
Meanwhile, Mac engages with three girls. He gets a home to live in and some cars from his friend Babban (Rajpal Yadav). He arranges a servant, Mambo (Paresh Rawal), to help him in the setting he has made with the three girls.
When Sam returns to India after the trip, he goes to Mac's house and tries to break up his settings. But he fails many a time.
Now it's between Mac and Sam, they fight with each-other; they want to kill each-other; they try to manage their settings with the girls. But because they are air-hostesses, their flight schedules keep changing, so it's very difficult both for Mac and Sam to manage their setting. What follows is a dish full of spices and fun!
On the music: The soundtrack to the film is brilliant! My favorate song is Falak Dekhoon by Sonu Niigaam. Of course, I'd like the song as a Sonu fan! The title song by Adnan Sami is good too, with Ada being another great number. Here's a video of Sonu singing Falak Dekhoon live!
Movie Rating: 3.5/5 (Very Good!)
Music Rating: 3.8/5 (Excellent)
Here is the most enjoyable part of the movie:
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