Monday, February 23, 2009

Jai Ho (Gaye!): A.R. Rahman

Our eyes were on the Oscars, and of course, on A.R. Rahman for the music in Slumdog Millionare. And our wishes have been completed! Rahman gets an Oscar for Jai Ho. What do we want next?! India was praying for Rahman's win, and he has won now.
All of us became sad when Taare Zameen Par was out of the nominations - because western critics know much about the subject of Dyslexia. But when Slumdog has bagged in another award, do we need to worry?

Indians have become popular, everywhere. Being an Indian, I am proud of it. Jai Ho India! Our films and music are being listened/watched everywhere. I am not sad about Aamir Khan not winning the Oscars, but am happy (as a music lover) that Rahman has got that award.

A director (I don't know his name) told at the TV that 10 years back, he said Rahman will get an Oscar. And today, it has become true. His wife has also dreamed of Rahman getting an Oscar (read more about it here). Keep it up, Rahman - the nation is proud of you.

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